Thursday, August 31, 2006

Time is a factor!!!!!!

My mind has been going 100 miles an hour thinking about the new craft being built for mars. I think it is a big accomplishment to land on Mars. Even bigger to make it back home. So I started to wonder how long that trip would take. On Google I found a college website University of Texas at Austin it appears to have done the math to determine days to get there, amount of days stayed until optimal time to leave and the travel time getting back. They say 260 days to get there, 460 days there and another 260 days to get back. That is based on certain alignments of the planets. So do the math and that is 980 days gone or another way 2 years and 250 days. I don't think that's too bad, yet Mars is the closest planet. So its gonna be a long time before we get any further than mars with current technology.

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